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Growers’ contact details:

AB (Angela Batty) 303136

DB (Deborah Bird) 306146

ER (Elinda Ratcliffe) 303161

PS (Penny Simmons) 303832

In the current situation we are still optimistic that this year’s outdoor plant sale can go ahead in June.

Meanwhile we are offering a semi-online option. . Some are ready now and others will become ready during May or early June.  The list on the Notices area on the website will be added to and updated regularly.

Please phone or email the grower of any plants you would like to order or purchase now.

Payment will be by cheque made out to Allerthorpe PCC (please print your name and address on the reverse)

or by BACS, details below:

Sort code 40-37-01

Account no 91135481

Name: Allerthorpe Parochial Church Council

Reference: ‘plants’ and surname

Arrangements for delivery or collection will be made on an individual basis.

We hope you will be able to support us this year and enjoy our plants.

Stay safe everyone.

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