Protocol of Council Meetings
By law a Parish Council is required to abide by certain legal regulations in relation to how the meeting is conducted.
Members of the Public & Press are welcome at meetings of the Council.
Public Participation will commence prior to the start of the full council meeting when members of the public can raise questions or make statements to the Parish Council about any issues they may have.
Because we are restricted to only 15 minutes, the public are encouraged to use this facility as an opportunity to raise issues rather than to seek resolution and in most cases the council will need to make referrals before being able to provide researched answers.
It is the chairman who determines who shall speak, in which order and for how long. After commencement of the Parish Council Meeting members of the public should not interrupt proceedings.
If the chairman of a meeting considers that a member of the public present may have information which would help councillors make an informed decision, s/he may – with the permission of the meeting – invite that member of the public to speak during the actual meeting.