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Author: Jason Parsons

Neighbourhood Plan Referendum Result

The result of the referendum on the Neighbourhood Plan was a tremendous result and the result is as follows.

Total number of ballot papers counted142
The number of votes cast in favour of YES 123
The number of votes cast in favour of NO16
Rejected ballot papers3

On behalf of the Steering Group I would like to thank you for your support for making this happen and you will be pleased to hear that all expenditure incurred was paid for by a Groundwork Grant and there has been no cost to the parish other than the Steering groups time which they have given freely.

The ERYC intend to formally adopt the Neighbourhood Plan as part of the ERYC Statutory Development Plan at a full council meeting on the 8th January 2020


The Parish council is grateful for the generous funding support given by Help for Health, the HEY Smile Foundation and East Riding of Yorkshire Council Community Fund which has enabled us to purchase an IPAD (Intelligent Public Access Defibrillator) which has been mounted on the external wall of the Village Hall beside the front door.

What is an Intelligent Public Access Defibrillator?

An Intelligent Public Access Defibrillator is the latest in the range of clinical defibrillator monitors and is designed to be used by minimally trained individuals, It is suitable for use almost anywhere that people gather, whether it’s within the workplace, a shopping centre or a hospital and makes saving lives easier than ever.

Where is it?

The defibrillator is in a yellow cabinet with a combination lock mounted outside the main entrance to the Village Hall.

Who can use it?

Our defibrillator is designed to be used safely by people with no medical experience because the user is guided through the process by a sequence of voice commands from the machine which is intelligent enough to recognise when and when not to shock.

How do I gain access to the defibrillator in an emergency?

lf you think that someone in the village is having a heart attack dial 999 immediately and ask for an ambulance. You will be told that there is a defibrillator in the village and given the combination for the defibrillator cabinet.

How can I help?

The target set by the government for Ambulance Trusts all over the UK is to reach 75% of life threatening calls within 8 minutes. Statistics show that early defibrillation can increase the survival chances of a person who has suffered a Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA) by as much a 50%. Sudden Cardiac Arrest happens between 140,000 and 200,000 times a year in the UK, making it one of the UK’s largest killers. The potential for saving a life is dependent on time the faster medical help is administered the better the chances of survival. To achieve a positive outcome when dealing with sudden cardiac arrest medical assistance must be given within 4 – 5 minutes of the event. ln remote areas like ours it can take more than 8 minutes for an emergency medical team to arrive and this is why Community Public Access Defibrillators play a vital role in helping to save lives in rural communities. Statistics suggest that the survival rate after a sudden cardiac arrest with resuscitation (CPR) alone is 5%. By using a defibrillator the survival rate increases to 50%. Will you be ready to save someone’s life at a moments notice?

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